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Grammar for English Language Teachers 2nd edition

English Type British English 

CEF Level -


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateJanuary 2010


Product description

Grammar for English Language Teachers is an ideal reference guide for experienced and trainee teachers who are developing their knowledge of English grammar systems.

The book provides practical ideas for planning lessons, with clear explanations. Easy exercises encourage teachers to understand factors affecting grammatical choices, transferring that knowledge to their students. Analysis of real learner errors from the Cambridge Corpus develops teachers' ability to deal with students' common mistakes.

Key features

  • Exercises using a range of authentic materials enable you to test grammar rules against real language use.
  • Analysis of real learner errors from the Cambridge International Corpus develops your ability to deal with common mistakes.
  • A section on researching language helps you to evaluate the way grammar is treated in published materials.

교재 자료 정보

번호, 제목, 등록일, 조회수
번호 자료명 유형 분류 첨부파일 다운로드 수
1 Grammar for English Language Teachers 2ed_table Table of contents Reference 1
2 Grammar for English Language Teachers 2ed_sample Sample Book Reference 2

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