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Academic Encounters Level 3 Student's Book Reading and Writing 2nd Edition

English Type American English 

CEF Level B2 - C1


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateJuly 2014


The Academic Encounters Second edition series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. There are two books for each content area. Academic Encounters Level 3 Student's Book Reading and Writing Life in Society engages students with authentic academic readings, photos, and charts on stimulating topics from the field of sociology. Topics include peer pressure, the influence of the media, and balancing home and work. Students develop important skills, such as reading critically, examining graphic material, note-taking, and preparing for a quiz. By completing writing assignments, students build academic writing skills and incorporate what they have learned. The topics correspond with those in Academic Encounters Level 3 Listening and Speaking Life in Society. The books may be used independently or together.

교재 자료 정보

번호, 제목, 등록일, 조회수
번호 자료명 유형 분류 첨부파일 다운로드 수
1 Academic_Encounters_2nd_Ed_Level_3_Reading_Writing_Scope_and_Sequence Table of contents Skills 1
2 academic-encounters2-level3-unit1-reading-writing-sample-unit Sample Book Skills 1

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