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OET Trainer Medicine Six Practice Tests
English Type
CEF Level C2 - C2
Publication dateFebruary 2023
OET Trainer Medicine Six Practice Tests
- Introduction
These books are perfect for OET preparation, whether you are studying by yourself or in a class. They include six authentic practice tests covering the four papers: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each book also includes a code which gives access to digital resources online: an eBook version of the printed book, audio for listening activities, audio transcripts and answer keys with explanations.
- Features
- Six full practice tests : the first two with easy-to-follow, expert guidance.
- The two guided tests include :
60 Tips
42 Advice boxes
97 Training activities
Exam practice
- Exam orientation and marking criteria.
- Online resources including audio download, answer key, audio transcripts and eBook.
- QR codes for accessing audio tracks on your smartphone.
- Contents
Acknowledgements 4
Introduction 5
Training and Exam practice
Test 1
Reading 10
Writing 35
Listening 40
Speaking 56
Test 2
Reading 62
Writing 86
Listening 90
Speaking 104
Practice tests
Test 3
Reading 108
Writing 122
Listening 124
Speaking 132
Test 4
Reading 134
Writing 148
Listening 150
Speaking 158
Test 5
Reading 160
Writing 174
Listening 176
Speaking 184
Test 6
Reading 186
Writing 200
Listening 202
Speaking 210
Writing marking criteria 212
Speaking marking criteria 214
Writing sample answer sheets 216
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검색결과 : 0종 시리즈 구성정보가 없습니다.