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The Teacher's Grammar of English with Answers

English Type American English 

CEF Level -


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateMay 2008


Product description

The Teacher's Grammar of English is a comprehensive resource text designed to help ESL/EFL teachers understand and teach American English grammar.

The Teacher's Grammar of English is a comprehensive resource text designed to help ESL/EFL teachers and teachers-in-training understand and teach American English grammar. In addition to complete, up-to-date coverage on form, meaning, and usage, each chapter includes practical suggestions for teaching, as well as a unique section that analyzes common errors made by learners from different first-language backgrounds, based on current research in second-language acquisition. Review exercises throughout each chapter make the book an ideal text for a course on English grammar. An answer key is included.

교재 자료 정보

번호, 제목, 등록일, 조회수
번호 자료명 유형 분류 첨부파일 다운로드 수
1 The Teacher's Grammar of English with Answers_table Table of contents Reference 3
2 The Teacher's Grammar of English with Answers_sample Sample Book Reference 3

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