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Passages Level 2 Student's Book 3rd edition

English Type American English 

CEF Level C1 - C1


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateJuly 2014


Product description

Passages, Third Edition, is a two-level, multi-skills course that will quickly and effectively move adult and young-adult learners of English from high-intermediate to the advanced level.

The Passages, Third Edition, Student's Books have been updated to offer fresh, contemporary content, relevant speaking and listening activities, comprehensive grammar and vocabulary support, enhanced reading skills development, and a step-by-step academic writing strand. Students will progressively elevate their language ability in both formal and informal communication through a variety of real-world contexts. Frequent communication reviews will systematically consolidate learning, while the popular Grammar Plus and new Vocabulary Plus sections in the back of the Student's Book provide additional skills support.

교재 자료 정보

번호, 제목, 등록일, 조회수
번호 자료명 유형 분류 첨부파일 다운로드 수
1 Passages3e-SB2-Unit4 Sample Book ELT 0
2 Passages3e-SB2-Scope-and-Sequence Table of contents ELT 0

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