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Writing from Within Level 2 Student's Book 2nd Edition

English Type American English 

CEF Level A2 - B1


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateOctober 2011


A series that prepares students for paragraph and composition writing, while making the process enjoyable.

Writing from Within, Level 2 focuses on generating topics, writing cohesive paragraphs, and organizing them into clear, logical compositions. The book contains twelve units, each one centering around a final writing assignment. As students prepare for their assignment, they brainstorm ideas for writing and analyze sample paragraphs and compositions for both language and organization. The units offer a balance of introspective writing assignments with more conventional, task-based ones. Level 2 writing topics include a major life event, personal goals, a research report, and a newspaper article.

교재 자료 정보

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1 Writing from within 2_table Table of contents Skills 0
2 Writing from within 2_sample Sample Book Skills 0

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