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Cambridge Grammar for IELTS Student's Book with Answers and Audio CD

English Type International English 

CEF Level B1 - B2


저자Cambridge University Press

Publication dateOctober 2006


All the grammar you need for IELTS with extensive practice and clear explanations.


Cambridge Grammar for IELTS provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for the IELTS test, and develops listening skills at the same time. It includes a wide range of IELTS tasks from the Academic and General Training Reading, Writing and Listening modules, and contains helpful grammar explanations and a grammar glossary.


교재 자료 정보

번호, 제목, 등록일, 조회수
번호 자료명 유형 분류 첨부파일 다운로드 수
1 CE Grammar for IELTS SB_table Table of contents IELTS 2
2 CE Grammar for IELTS SB_sample Sample Book IELTS 1

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